Thursday 2 December 2010

Creating the robot.

The next step for this comic was to make the character. To do this,in Photoshop, I made each part of the robot and imported them individually to the library.

 Over ten frames I import the separate parts of the robot. For the moving parts at frame five I create a new key frame with them in their different position and in frame ten return them to their original position, I then tween the key frame to make the movements move smooth.
 To make the moving parts of the robot repeat, I add an action to frame ten that says return to frame one. By adding this action I can tween the robot across the main stage, with it moving, until I get to frame 59 on the main stage where I add the action below.
 On frame 59 of the main stage I add an action that says as follows:

robot.gotoAndStop (11), this makes the robot stage go to its frame 11 and stop. At frame 11 within the robot stage there is a still of the robot in a standing position with a speech bubble and some text.

stop(), this action will stop all the animation within the main stage. This means that the street lamp on the backdrop will stop moving across the stage.

robot.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame_2);

function fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame_2(event:MouseEvent):void
gotoAndPlay (59)
This action says that when the screen is clicked, "robot" goes to frame 1 and play, and on the main stage "go to and play" at frame 59. By using this action once the viewer has read the captions they can click the screen to carry on with the comic.

At frame 90 on the main stage I have tweened the robot to move to the other side of the stage. At frame 90 the robot is about to fly off, so it's arms and legs need to stop moving. To achieve this I add an action that says, "robot. gotoAndStop (12)" at frame 12 within the robot stage there is a still of the robot which is what I need to create the fly effect.

The last part of this scene was to have the robot flying off the stage, to do this I tweened the robot between frames 90 and 123 changing the angle and position.

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